Simple Chat 2.1.2 Released

Simple Chat 2.1.2 has just been released on the Unity Asset Store!

Get it from the Unity Asset Store

What’s new in this release?

  • ASMDef file added (better Unity Test Framework support, and faster compilation!)
  • Updated Mirror Compatibility
  • Refactored ChatSystem inner classes to their own model classes.
  • Now requires Unity 2019.4 LTS or higher.
  • simple chat logo medium
  • UNET / HLAPI is still supported!

As always, ensure you have imported Mirror or the HLAPI before importing Simple Chat to avoid any errors!

What is Simple Chat?

A feature-rich Chat System built on Unity’s UNET Networking system. Mirror is also supported Color-coded channels, configurable to work exactly how you want.

Simple to use, just drag and drop the chat system prefab onto your canvas, attach ChatPlayer to your existing player object, then configure the channels to your needs and you’re done!


Need even more features? A more complex chat system may be required for your use case. Chat System Comparison here comparing Llama Chat – the social platform for your Unity game to Simple Chat. Compare features and price to see which suits your needs the best!

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